Spirit of Rugby Lodge took delivery of over 2000 bottles of specially brewed and branded beer this week. WBro Mark Lawson (left) collected the IPA from Piers Macdonald (right) owner of Nelson Brewery based within the Historic Dockyard at Chatham.
The lodge will be gifting crates of the “Spirit of Rugby IPA” to rugby clubs within the Masonic Province of East Kent boasting a community of over 30 rugby clubs which the lodge has pledged to support.

“Rugby is about sharing a beer in the clubhouse after the game, what better way of supporting our local clubs than gifting them our beer”
WBro Matthew Jury
(Worshipful Master of SOR 9922)
Members of the lodge have been tasked with contacting local clubs and presenting the beer which will be used by the clubs to: support club events, sell over the bar or simply to enjoy with club members and teammates. Which ever way the beer is used 100% of any funds raised from sale, raffle or auction will be kept by the club to help the club and rugby thrive in East Kent.
The smooth classic hand crafted Indian Pale Ale IPA has been made by boiling malts and hops before adding the yeast to allow the brew to ferment and develop the wonderful smooth hoppy taste that Piers and his team have helped us produce. The beer has been bottled, packaged and branded (label below) to direct the inquisitive consumer towards the lodge website (here) at www.freemasonsrugby.com